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DALI Summit 2019

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>> View photos (DALI Summit 2019, LpS)

>> View the DALI Summit Program


Organized by DiiA, in partnership with Luger Research, the DALI Summit 2019 takes place on September 25 at the Opera House in Bregenz, Austria. 

A full-day conference program will cover all aspects of DALI, ranging from specifications and DALI-2 certification, to real-world applications and DALI-based installations, and ending with a look at where DALI sits in the wider world of connected lighting. 

PRESS RELEASE DALI Summit 2019 looks at DALI in action, DALI with wireless, and DALI in the future

Co-located with LpS 2019 and TiL 2019, the DALI Summit 2019 is open to the entire lighting industry. You can purchase a one-day DALI Summit pass for only EUR 90 (see REGISTRATION section, right). 


Program overview

08:30-10:00 Session 1: DALI-2 certification and specifications
10:00-11:00 Break
11:00-13:00 Session 2: DALI in action
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 3: DALI developments and next steps
16:00-17:00 Break
17:00-18:00 Session 4: Panel discussion – What is the future of DALI?
18:00 DALI Summit ends
18:30 LpS social event

>> View the full Program



The DALI Summit 2019 is organized by DiiA and Luger Research, and is co-hosted with two established events:

  • 9th International LED professional Symposium + Expo (LpS 2019)
  • 3rd International Trends in Lighting Forum & Show (TiL 2019)

Both events take place from September 24th to 26th in the Opera House, Bregenz.



The LED Professional Symposium features an exhibition area with around 100 major suppliers to the lighting industry.

Please visit DiiA at booth C22.

To exhibit, please contact LpS directly. 

There is no separate exhibition for the DALI Summit.

Parallel events

9th International LED professional Symposium + Expo (LpS 2019)

NEWS (July 2019):
>> LpS 2019 Proudly Announces Its Speaker Line-Up and Event Program


3rd International Trends in Lighting Forum & Show (TiL 2019)

NEWS (August 2019):

>> Trends in Lighting 2019 – Key Event for Architects, Lighting Designers, Planners and Investors



The DALI Summit 2019 is integrated with LpS and TiL. Visitors can purchase a one-day pass for the DALI Summit only, or they can attend the DALI Summit if they purchase a 3-day LpS or TiL pass. All these passes include free entry to the exhibit. 

>> Register now

Registration takes place on the LpS website. 

Pass Price*
All passes include access to the LpS/TiL exhibition, as well as food and beverages. 
DALI Summit only
(one-day pass)
EUR 90
Full LpS pass **
(three-day pass, including DALI Summit sessions)
EUR 970

* Prices include 20% VAT.

** The full LpS pass includes access to all LpS, TiL and DALI Summit sessions. 



LpS #5
LpS #4
Alan Jackson_Helvar
LpS #3
LpS #1
Scott Wade_DiiA
LpS #2
DALI Summit 2019
DALI Summit panel
DALI Summit poster