November 8, 2018
DiiA was very pleased to take part in a recent lighting-control seminar in Shenzhen, China. Scott Wade, DiiA’s Technical & Certification Manager, gave a presentation entitled “"DALI-2 是如何实现智能照明控制和互操作性 - DALI-2 Enables Smart Lighting Control and Interoperability".
The presentation is now available in dual languages, Chinese and English. Visit our Presentations page to download the presentation.
The “2018 Smart Lighting Control Application and Innovation Forum” took place on November 2, 2018, and featured a range of expert speakers, followed by audience questions and lively discussions.
The event was organized by DiiA member Delta Electronics, in association with DiiA, and was implemented by Alighting.cn, a China-based professional lighting media company.
The conference attracted more than 120 representatives, including lighting-control experts, lighting designers, intelligent building construction and DiiA to discuss the new trend of smart lighting and the lighting design benefits and practical applications enabled by DALI.
More details can be found in the following articles.
Full event report on Delta website:
重塑照明价值 台达举办“2018智能化灯光应用及创新设计大会”
Full event report on Alighing.cn website (with additional photos):
How does intelligent control empower lighting design? (includes event preview and agenda)
Abstract: With the advancement of intelligent buildings and lighting technology, lighting and architectural buildings have become one part of the art of architecture. At the same time, people have put forward new requirements for architectural lighting systems. In meeting the basic lighting needs, it also requires intelligent control, simple operation, energy saving and high efficiency. Intelligent lighting control has emerged as the times require.
Dialogue: Interview with representatives from Delta Group
Abstract: With the rapid development of data transmission, lighting design concepts and requirements are constantly changing. How to achieve the maximum benefit of lighting and the best experience of users has become the two core requirements of lighting design. The latest intelligent lighting control technology not only enhances the lighting effect, but also opens up new space and new ideas for lighting design.
[Image courtesy of Delta Electronics] DiiA技术和认证经理Dr. Scott Wade提到,DALI-2扩展并增强了DALI作为数字照明控制的专用和标准化协议的优势。DiiA Technology and Certification Manager Dr. Scott Wade mentioned that DALI-2 extends and enhances DALI's advantages as a dedicated and standardized protocol for digital lighting control.
[Image courtesy of Delta Electronics] “2018智能化灯光应用及创新设计大会”吸引了智能照明控制专家、照明设计师、智能楼宇建筑及DiiA等各方代表共120多人到场参会,共同探讨智能照明的新趋势及DALI照明协议带来的照明设计效益与实际应用。“2018 Intelligent Lighting Application and Innovative Design Conference” attracted more than 120 representatives from intelligent lighting control experts, lighting designers, intelligent building construction and DiiA to discuss the new trends of intelligent lighting, and the lighting design benefits and practical applications brought by the DALI lighting agreement.
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