March 12, 2020
The Product Database on the DiiA website contains a complete list of all DALI-2 certified products, as well as all registered DALI version-1 control gear.
The total number of products—around 2,300—continues to rise on a daily basis.
There are now significantly more than 900 certified DALI-2 products in the database, from over 75 DiiA member brands. As well as more than 750 LED drivers, the list includes more than 80 application controllers and nearly 50 input devices such as sensors.
The database also contains nearly 1,400 registered DALI version-1 control gear from around 60 different brands. Although most of these control gear are LED drivers, it is no longer possible to register any further DALI version-1 LED drivers (there are exceptions for some drivers with colour control). Instead, DiiA members are encouraged to certify their LED drivers according to DALI-2.
Tunable white LED drivers
DALI-2 certification for tunable white LED drivers, which implement colour type Tc of Part 209, was introduced in February 2020. At least four DiiA member companies have certified such products.
Tunable-white drivers can be viewed by selecting the following filters in the database:
>> Control gear >> Colour control >> Colour type Tc
D4i LED drivers
D4i LED drivers from several manufacturers are listed in the product database, and can be viewed using the following filter:
>> Control gear >> D4i
Note that D4i certification for LED drivers requires the following Parts to be implemented, along with other requirements:
Some but not all D4i LED drivers also have a built-in auxiliary (AUX) 24V power supply, specified in Part 150—this is optional for D4i certification.
DALI-2 data
Some DALI-2 drivers listed in the database have DALI-2 data capabilities, as specified in Parts 251-253, but do not have an integrated bus power supply (Part 250).
Such drivers do not qualify for D4i certification.
Product updates
DiiA members are able to update their product listings to show additional features—for example, adding Parts 251-253 to an already-certified DALI-2 LED driver.
A new column will be added to the database to show the date of the latest product update.
Family products
The database contains many examples of families of products. The default view is to show all these family members as individual products.
The filter “Show all family products” is checked by default. If this filter in unchecked, then each family is compressed into single line, as indicated by a plus sign in the end column of the database. Clicking on the plus sign for any family will then show all the family members.
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