November 27, 2017
The first DALI-2 bus power supply has been certified by DiiA, marking the latest milestone for the DALI-2 certification program.
The LDALI PWR4 U from LOYTEC electronics, part of the Delta Group, was tested according to Part 101 of IEC 62386, the international DALI standard.
All DALI systems require a bus power supply, and this can be either a standalone product or integrated into another DALI device.
Hans-Jörg Schweinzer, CEO of LOYTEC electronics, said: “As a vendor believing in the power of open protocols, we think DALI-2 is a big leap forward and will have a bright future in the building automation industry.”
>> Read the full LOYTEC press release.
In addition to bus power supplies, DALI-2 certification also includes control gear (such as LED drivers) and single-master application controllers. Certification for multi-master application controllers, and for different types of input devices, will be added soon
>> Timeline
Only certified DALI-2 products can carry the DALI-2 logo, and all DALI-2-certified products are listed on the DiiA website.
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