May 25, 2018
One of DiiA’s principal roles is to develop test sequences for different Parts of IEC 62386. These allow companies to test their products and show compliance with all the Parts that have been implemented in the product.
DiiA recently updated its Timeline for DALI-2 certification and test-sequence development.
The next release of test sequences is expected to include updated versions of the DALI-2 test sequences for Parts 101, 102 and 103.
While single-master application controllers can already receive DALI-2 certification, the multi-master versions are likely to be added to the certification program by Q3 2018 or earlier.
For input devices (Parts 301 to 304 inclusive), the first available test-sequences are likely to be for occupancy sensors, with others to follow later this year.
Next will be the Part 209 test sequences for control gear that enable colour control.
Test-sequence specifying, authoring and reviewing are all reliant on input from DiiA member companies via the DiiA Technical & Certification Working Group.
Test sequences are provided to DiiA members as a benefit of DiiA membership.
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