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Product database

Product Database

The Product Database contains all certified DALI-2 and D4i components, as well as registered DALI version-1 control gear.

NOTE: The product information displayed in this database relates to the specific product that was tested. Certification is only valid for products where the brand shown on the product, its GTIN, firmware and hardware versions match those in this product database, and the product has a valid ID (serial number) that is unique in combination with the GTIN. If these conditions are not met, the product certification is invalid. The GTIN, ID, firmware and hardware versions can be read from memory bank 0.

► Certified products have successfully completed the DALI-2 certification process, which is operated by the DALI Alliance (DiiA) and includes verification of test results. 

► D4i certification is an extension of DALI-2 certification (all D4i devices are also DALI-2 devices).

► Registered products are DALI version-1 control gear that have been successfully tested by the member or a test-house. There is no verification step for DALI version-1. Registration is now closed. 

Component brands: All brands used by DALI Alliance member companies for their DALI components are listed here >> Component brands

Luminaires: Luminaires are not listed in the product database  >> More information on luminaires

Control devices: Certified DALI-2 control devices are all shown in the database below. A separate listing shows control devices that are not certified but have certain limited rights to use the DALI word trademark >> List of non-certified control devices  

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Results must include:

LED drivers, ballasts, ECGs, etc.

Sensors, switches, push-buttons, etc.

“Other properties” do not imply certification to such standards.

Reference design of firmware or hardware available

Exclude from search results:

LED drivers, ballasts, ECGs, etc.

Sensors, switches, push-buttons, etc.

“Other properties” do not imply certification to such standards.

Reference design of firmware or hardware available

Showing products 1-25

5197 results total

Brand Name Product Name DALI Parts Bus Unit Config

Current Bus Unit Configuration from memory bank 0. Blank if only 1 configuration.

Initial registration date Last Updated DALI-2 Certified D4i Certified DALI+
Zhuhai Shengchang Electroni...KVN 150-200W CV101, 102, 207, 251Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
ETAP Lighting International NVK11-DL2-2D101, 102, 202Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
ETAP Lighting International NVK9-DL2-1D101, 102, 202Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
ETAP Lighting International NVKS-DL2-2D101, 102, 202Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
OzunoRAPIX DALI-2 IP65 Outdoor Light Level Sensor101, 103, 304Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
SimonKeypad 4 DALI-2101, 103, 301Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
KeguSC42W300-1050CG-6G DALI101, 102, 207, 251, 252, 253Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO DALI-2 Panel 8-key (Black)101, 103, 301Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO DALI-2 Panel 8-key (metal)101, 103, 301Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO DALI-2 Panel 8-key (white)101, 103, 301Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO 4x12A Relay101, 102, 208Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO DALI-2 MULTI SENSOR HF101, 103, 303, 304, 351Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024YesYes
symphoSYMPHO 4x16A DALI Relay101, 102, 208Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
symphoSYMPHO DALI-2 MULTI SENSOR LS/MD101, 103, 303, 304, 351Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024YesYes
BlueboxDR801 LED Driver 25.2W101, 102, 207Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
SeatronicVADIS 2W101, 102, 202Sep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024Yes
LEDGEARC920-361050DB-FC101, 102, 207, 251, 252, 253Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024Yes
LEDGEARC920-50550DB-FC101, 102, 207, 251, 252, 253Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024Yes
SunricherSR-SV9035A-PIR-D101, 103, 351Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024YesYes
ETAP Lighting International NVK1-DL2-2D101, 102, 202Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024Yes
YINGJIAODLCV-45-12-EP-DT6 E1101, 102, 207Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024Yes
BOKEBK-DWL040S-A1050ADP101, 102, 207, 209, 251, 252, 253Sep 5, 2024Sep 5, 2024Yes
ClevertronicsLCWELEDM-CKIT-D2-83 (ANZ)101, 102, 202Sep 5, 2024Sep 5, 2024Yes
SCSK CorporationSCSK 2ch Application Controller101, 103Sep 5, 2024Sep 5, 2024Yes
AcTECLCN-40D Non101, 102, 207, 251, 252, 253Sep 3, 2024Sep 3, 2024Yes

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